Philosophy/Inspiration from a fashion Maven

Happy hump day!!

While sipping my morning coffee and catching up on one of my favorite blogs I came across a highly entertaining and semi-thought provoking article about one of my personally favorite fashion icons divas. Apparently, highly respected Editor At Large and creative consultant for Vogue Japan, Anna Dello Russo changes up to not 1, or 2 but 5 times a day. 

Ms. Dello Russo also had some words of wisdom for her fellow females. Women say to me, ‘I’m tired, I don’t want to go out. It’s too much effort.’ And I say to them, ‘You need to take a fashion shower and then you’ll wake up.'”

In other words, get off your lazy ass and put on something fabulous, 5 times a day. LOL. 
 Oh, ADR will never get boring, thats for sure. Below are 5 of my favorite ADR looks (possibly all from any 1 given day) Enjoy!


Which one is your favorite?

Original Article featured in The Cut:

Photos were borrowed from the following sites: